Juniors Course Outline Sem.1



Fall Semester
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
Instructor: Ms. Marcelli Young
Department: Information Technology
Grade Level: 11th Grade – Juniors
Credit Hours: 5
Email: myoung@belizehighschool.edu.bz
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:15 – 4:00 pm

Contact Times
Junior 1
Junior 2
2, 4, 7, 9, 10
2, 3, 5, 8, 9


Required Text(s):
No required text. Resources shared by teacher.

Supplemental Text(s):

Windows based Laptop
Programming Compiler for applicable languages

Course Description:
The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the concepts of computer programming, focusing on the problem-solving phase and the computer languages of Pascal and C++.  Other objectives include introducing students to general topics in computer science, and modern technology used in the world.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
·       Demonstrate proficient competency in generating algorithms starting from simple algorithms and leading to arrays.
·       Demonstrate intermediate competency in logic sequence and statements
·       List types of algorithms in the problem-solving phase of computer program development.
·       State the steps in the problem-solving phase
·       Apply syntax to algorithm development
·       Perform dry run in computer programming using trace tables and flowcharts
·       In Semester 2, students will learn to code algorithms in the programming language of C++ and Pascal.

Instructor Teaching Philosophy:
“If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”   ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As a teacher with over eleven years’ experience, I have learnt that the role of teaching has changed from being the main source of knowledge to that of being a guide to young minds, inspiring and encouraging them to think for themselves, and leading them on their quest for knowledge. 
I offer my students a holistic educational experience, focusing on preparing them for careers of the future in the field of technology.  My classes will allow for expression and creativity, with a clear sense of purpose.  I will offer students some straightforward instruction, but also give them room to grow and expand on their own.

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”  - Aristotle
Academic Integrity Policy:

This policy addresses academic integrity violations of students. Students should refer to the School Policy Manual to identify the appropriate entities in charge of that step of the process.
I.   General:
Students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Belize High School (BHS) strive to achieve the highest standards of scholarship and integrity. Any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is a serious offense because it threatens the quality of scholarship and undermines the integrity of the community. While academic in scope, any violation of this policy is by nature, a violation of the Standards for Student Conduct and will follow the same conduct procedures in the Policy Manual (p. 39). Questions related to course assignments and the academic integrity policy should be directed to the instructor. Instructors have the right to determine the appropriate academic sanctions for violations of the Academic Integrity Policy within their courses, including a final grade of “F” in the course in which the violation occurs.
 II.    Definitions:
1.       Cheating – Using, or attempting to use, unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
2.       Fabrication/Forging – Creating and/or falsifying information or citation in any academic exercise.
3.       Plagiarism – Representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise.
4.       Facilitation – Helping or attempting to help someone to commit a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy in any academic exercise (e.g. allowing another person to copy information during an examination).

Repeated infractions will be evaluated by the Disciplinary Committee for appropriate action.

Classroom Expectations:
·   Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials, devices, and mentally prepared for the unit being covered.
·   Students are expected to be on time to class and dressed appropriately as outlined in the policy handbook. 
·   No food or drink (other than water) allowed during class time.
·   Students are to use class passes as needed.

Classroom Technology:
Though classroom technology can greatly assist in the educational endeavor, it must be used wisely and appropriately. With supervision, use of a laptop, tablet computer, or smart phone during class should be limited to accessing documents, taking notes, or conducting other class related business. Students in violation will follow the same conduct procedures in the Policy Manual (p. 40-41).

Student Support Services:
The Academic Counseling Office provides support to students with: academic advising, mentoring, and presentations focused on career and college preparation.  You may email Mrs. Jennylee Francisco at jfrancisco@belizehighschool.edu.bz for more information.  The Academic Counseling Office is located in Building 1.

Course Instruction:
The use of an online forum (blog) will be used to post notes and should be checked often. 
The teacher will offer oral presentations and instructions and students are allowed freestyle Q& A in all sessions.
Online assessments will be administered, and the use of student BHS email is expected for all communication via email.
The use of Prezzo, along with other forums will be used.
Students are encouraged to check their Chalk account frequently for updated grades and insights.

Assessment and Evaluation:
Note that double-penalty in programming is not applicable in Junior IT, meaning that should a student make a repeated error in their code, only the initial error is penalized.
Late submission of homework is not accepted as all homework is reviewed in class collectively and the correct answer provided by the teacher.
Late submission of any other assessment is penalized at 10% of grade unless otherwise noted in given rubric for the assessment.

Overview of Assessments
Tests – 4 expected per semester
Quiz – 4 expected per semester
Homework – 3 expected per semester
Projects – 1 expected per semester
ICA – 3 expected per semester
*subject to change

Course Schedule

Cycle Date
Teaching Strategies and Activities
Readings and Assignments
Assessments and Due Dates
Cycle 1
Introduction & Logic Level

Phases in Computer Development
Logic Boxes Activity – which number is largest and how does the brain know this.

The hiking algorithm
Research the steps in problem solving phase
HW1 - Register on blogspot
Q1 - Intro to Programming
Cycle 2
IPO – Defining Diagram

Simple Algorithms
Use of programming tool to deconstruct program problem and separate into input, processing, output to define the problem.
Writing simple algorithms based on syntax application (theory)
HW- practice algorithm problems (non-graded)

Terminology given for studying; to be administered on quiz2 and test 1
Q2 - IPO and Simple Algorithm

T1 - Simple Algorithm/ Intro to Programming Theory
Cycle 3
Conditional Algorithms with focus on:
Understanding control structures and distinguishing applicable structure for conditional statements.

Using the compiler to test algorithm for correctness
When to use the if-then syntax or the if-then-else syntax

Identifying the difference between a compiler and an interpreter
Q3 - Conditional Algorithm

HW2 – Conditional Algorithms

ICA1 - Voters Registration (Nested If Algorithm)
Cycle 4
Nested If Algorithms

Introduction to Loops: Counter Controlled Loop
Creating logic ranges and sequence for nested logical statements.

The purpose and types of loops in algorithms.

For Loops – repetition for a specific number of times
Use of compiler and notebook; submission of work via email
Practice problems posted on blog

Homework posted on blog

Research reserved words used in FBIde compiler
T2 - Conditional Algorithms
HW3 - For Loop and Trace Table
Cycle 5
For Loops and Trace Tables and an example of Dry Run
Using trace tables to test logic in algorithms

Identifying errors in algorithms
Notes posted on blog
HW 4 - For Loop and Trace Table
Q4 - For Loop Algorithm
Cycle 6
For Loops and Trace Tables

While Loops
Using count, total, max, min in loops.

Understanding the difference between initializing and declaring

Identifying a dummy value.

Use of compiler, blog, and other on-line resources
Practice algorithms with use of compiler
T3 – For Loop and Trace Table

P1 - Applicable program idea to enhance school life

ICA2 - While loops
Cycle 7
Condition Controlled Loops:
While Loop
Repeat Until Loop
Differentiating when to use the Repeat Until versus the While Loop

Identifying syntax of condition-controlled loops
Practice algorithms with use of compiler

Exam outline to be shared with students by November 22, 2019
HW5 - While loop algorithms

ICA3 – Repeat Until Loop

Q5 - Condition Control Loops (practical)

T4 - Loops (Theory)
Cycle 8
Introduction to One Dimensional Arrays
The use of arrays in counter-controlled loops

Purpose of arrays
Declaring arrays
Research the difference between one-dimension and multi-dimensional arrays
T5 - project based*
Problem Solving Phase of Computer Program Development

Comprehensive theory and practical exam on algorithms, debugging errors, and dry run

December 9, 2019*

Assignment Description:

Semester Project
Instructions:  Working with a partner, prepare the IPO Table and Structured Algorithm solution for an assigned topic.  Project is to be submitted as hard copy (printed) in a booklet form with cover sheet and table of contents.

Cover Sheet
Table of Contents
Problem - Scenario - Idea
IPO Table
Structured Algorithm
Proof of Compilation

Topic:  Benefiting your school either academically, student life, or school daily procedures.

Details:  Conceptualize an idea of how a program can benefit your school.  Write the idea and how your solution will benefit the school.  Create a program to display the entire solution or a beta version of your solution.  Illustrate the idea - this can be sketched or an image illustrating your idea and how it can be used in the school.  Create an Algorithm as a solution to your idea and test with the compiler.  An IPO table is to help you segment your problem.


Submission on Time 10%
Project booklet - organized 5%
Conceptualized Idea 10%
Illustration 15%
IPO Table 10%
Structured Algorithm 40%
Proof of compilation 5%
Team work 5%

Semester Paper:

Robot and AI Invasion
Westworld is an exclusive theme park where those who can afford a ticket can live without limits. Partners Arnold Weber and Robert Ford created lifelike robots that pass for humans called hosts. The hosts allow guests to live out their fantasies (without harming humans) in the park. While some humans visit the park for harmless entertainment, the ugliness in human nature is displayed by some guest who chooses to harm the hosts with vicious acts of cruelty.  When a host is killed or deemed non-functioning, it is taken to the maintenance area of the park, and the outer shell (body) is repaired while the memory is wiped clean.  But, with time, the hosts start evolving, and their artificial intelligence adapts to its surroundings.  The hosts become more conscious and starts having “memories” of their past experiences.  As this awareness increases, they group together and device a plot to overtake their world.

Westworld is fictional work for entertainment purposes.  Imagine a world where artificial intelligence is at this point.  Are there ethical dilemmas with this type of theme park?  What are your thoughts on the fear of consciousness occurring in AI or Robots?  Should we be afraid of a robotic invasion?

Write a short essay reflecting on your thoughts to the highlighted questions.  (400 words maximum) 
Grading Rubric:
Mechanics (20%):
- APA guidelines must be followed for all citations (in-text and reference page)
- Double-spaced; 12 font; Times New Roman; 1” margins
- Good grammar is essential
- Page length is content only (title page and/or references NOT included in count).
Organization (20%):
- Clarity of thought; flow/transitions; readable
Content (60%):
- Addresses the assignment prompt
- Demonstrates level knowledge/understanding, analysis, synthesis, and writing

Final Exam: December 2019

Two (2) Part Exam
Theory – on assigned Exam date
Practical – assigned one week prior to theory exam date and to be submitted   electronically.
Topic:  Problem Solving Phase of Computer Program Development with focus on Algorithms

Practical Component:  Loop algorithm project – individual work. 
Theory Component:  Three sections:
1.     Multiple Choice / True-False (focuses on theory notes, terminology, and syntax)
2.     Written Algorithms                (focuses on writing algorithms and analyzing algorithm logic)
3.     Dry Run                                  (focuses on trace tables and/or flowcharts)


I have read and understand the syllabus for Junior Information Technology.

Student’s Name ___________________________________                       Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _________________________                       Date: ____________

Please note: This course outline will also be distributed electronically on Chalk upon semester launching of Chalk.  The course outline is subject to change based upon instructor’s discretion.

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