Thursday, August 29, 2019

Emerging Ethical Dilemmas in Science and Technology -Junior 2 ONLY

Robot swarms
Researchers at Harvard University created a swarm of over 1000 robots, capable of communicating with each other to perform simple tasks such as arranging themselves into shapes and patterns. These "kilobots" require no human intervention beyond the original set of instructions and work together to complete tasks. These tiny bots are based on the swarm behavior of insects and can be used to perform environmental cleanups or respond to disasters where humans fear to tread. The concept of driver-less cars also relies on this system, where the cars themselves (without human intervention, ideally) would communicate with each other to obey traffic laws and deliver people safely to their destinations. But should we be worried about the ethical and policy implications of letting robots work together without humans running interference? What happens if a bot malfunctions and causes harm? Who would be blamed for such an accident? What if tiny swarms of robots could be set up to spy or sabotage? 
Write a short essay reflecting on your thoughts to the highlighted questions.  (300 words maximum)  To be collected within the class session on Day 1 Cycle 2

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