Junior 1
Day 7 - No Classes - National Holiday
Day 9 - Graded ICA - Simple Algorithm
Day 10 - Quiz 2 - Simple Algorithm (Practical)
Cycle 3 Day 2 - Test #1- Introduction to Programming; Simple Algorithm
*practice-problems listed below
Junior 2
Day 5 - HW2 collected; ICA - Simple Algorithm
Day 8 - Quiz #2 - Simple Algorithm (Practical)
Day 9 - Test #1 - Introduction to Programming; Simple Algorithm
*practice-problems listed below
Jr. Networking
Day 6 - Graded Lab - Basic LAN and VLAN using 2960 switches
Day 7 - No Classes - National Holiday
Jr. Programming
Day 9 - graded ICA - User define functions
Day 10 - Test #1 - Program in C++ (user define functions)
1. Bobby was given his meal's plus allowance for the week and is planning to spend equal amounts each day at the cafeteria. Write an algorithm to help Bobby calculate and output his daily allowance.
2. Your school is having a school dance and the student council is selling tickets: Advance purchase is $10.00 for females and $12. 00 for males. At the door purchase is $15.00 for females and $18.00 for males. Write an algorithm that will tally and output the total income collected from the dance. (simple algorithm)
3. Write an algorithm that calculates the net income of a husband and wife. The husband is an engineer and makes a total of $4,500.00 per month as gross salary (salary before any deductions). The wife works as a consultant and charges $100.00 per session. Each of them pays 12% monthly to social security. The wife pays a monthly loan of $350.00 and the husband has a mandatory deduction from his check 10% of his gross salary that is paid to the company's pension program. Your algorithm should display the combined monthly net salary. Net salary is the take home amount after all deductions.
Will Studying our notes in class and practicing all our previous algorithms be enough to prepare for the test ?