Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jr Programming Quiz - IT Majors ONLY

Jr Programming
Topic:  User defined functions
September 19, 2019

Instructions:  Using the programming language of C++, write a program to solve the given problem.  Ensure to include internal documentation.

Create a salary calculator for a sales company that has ten employees.  Each calculation should be completed as an individual function and called upon in the main function.  Calculations for each employee salary includes:
1.     Basic monthly salary depends on which department the employee is in. 
a.      Management earns $5000.00 per month.  There is only one manager.
b.     Office Administration earns $2,000.00 per month.  There is only one office administrator.
c.      Sales earns $1,500.00 per month plus 5% commission on all monthly sales.

2.     A bonus is paid to all employees if they work on Saturdays.  It is optional, so the bonus is $200.00 per Saturday added to their gross salary.

3.     Employees earning more than $2,500.00 monthly gross salary pays 25% income tax.  Income tax is only on taxable income, meaning the gross income that is more than $2500.00 monthly.

4.     All employees pay social security of 10% of gross salary.

5.     Employees have the option to have one deduction made from salary.

Your program is to calculate and show the monthly net salary for the employees.


  1. 'This algorithm is written by Amirah Kee on Oct-4-2019'
    Print"Kindly enter where you are going:"
    Print" (1) if you are going to Ladyville for $2"
    Print" (2) if you are going to sandhill for $3"
    Print" (3) if you are going to Carmelita for $4"
    Print" (4) if you are goiing to Orange Walk for $5"
    Input dest
    If (dest=1) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Ladyville
    end if
    if (dest=2) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Sandhill
    end if
    if (dest=3) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Carmelita
    end if
    if (dest=4) then
    print "Your total cost is $", OrangeWalk
    end if

    Input Key

  2. 'This algorithm is written by Amirah Kee on Oct-4-2019'
    Print"Kindly enter where you are going:"
    Print" (1) if you are going to Ladyville for $2"
    Print" (2) if you are going to sandhill for $3"
    Print" (3) if you are going to Carmelita for $4"
    Print" (4) if you are goiing to Orange Walk for $5"
    Input dest
    If (dest=1) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Ladyville
    end if
    if (dest=2) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Sandhill
    end if
    if (dest=3) then
    print "Your total cost is $", Carmelita
    end if
    if (dest=4) then
    print "Your total cost is $", OrangeWalk
    end if

    Input Key
